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How does AHEADEND work?  


(not yet realized)

平台与医疗和公共服务系统紧密相连,并通过社会保障系统跟踪平台用户的生命状态。 当死亡在医疗系统内发生时,生命状态将很快被更新。 
The platform is linked to both healthcare and public services system and tracks the life status of platform users through the social security system. Life status will soon be updated when death occurs in the health care system.
如果担心独自一人死在非医疗系统中,请订阅 AHEADEND 的动态监测系统以对激活使用状态的移动设备进行实时动态分析。 如果设备超过24小时没有发生位移,AHEADEND 将向用户发送一个确认复选框。如果复选框超过12小时没有被处理,AHEADEND 将联系公共服务系统进一步确认。
If concerned about dying in a non-medical system with no people around subscribe to AHEADEND's dynamic monitoring system, which performs dynamic analysis of mobile devices with activated usage status. If the device being tracked remains still for over 24 hours, AHEADEND will send a confirming checkbox to the user. If the checkbox has not been processed over 12 hours, AHEADEND will reach the public service system for further confirmation.
The funeral will be held 72 hours after death was declared, while obituaries will be issued within 48 hours.
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